How Sport Shaped the World

A university accredited online course exploring sport and its impact on societies around the world.

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Who Is This Course For?

Anyone with an inquisitive mind!

Not only for sports fans, this unique course is based on Dean's years of experience of teaching at universities around the world. It will examine how modern concepts like sport and leisure have influenced our global culture and national identities. We’ll explore why different countries have an obsession with certain sports and how this has transferred itself to how we view ourselves as international citizens. From humble beginnings to the multi-billion dollar industry it is today, we will explore how sport has truly shaped the world!

Study content to include:
  • Introduction to Sport and why it Matters
  • The Evolution of Sport through the Ages
  • The Victorians and the Making of Modern Sport
  • Sport in the 20th Century
  • Sport and Race in South Africa and much more!
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Course Outline


Introduction to Sport and Why It Matters

Personal Histories and How History Works for Us

The Evolution of Sport Through the Ages

Comparing the Ancient and Modern Olympics

The Victorians and the Making of Modern Sport

Sport in the 20th Century

It’s Sport, not Politics?!

'Some are More Equal Than Others’: Sport and Issues of Social Class

The Business of Sport

Sporting Mega-Events: The 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa

‘A Man’s Game’?: Sport and Issues of Gender

History of Women’s Football in the UK

The Global Game: Sport and Empire

‘Pride and Glory’: National Identity and Sport

Sport and Race in South Africa

The Importance of History

"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." Winston Churchill

History teaches us so much about how we live today but it can also give us an insight in to the future. These courses are designed to be both entertaining and interactive and to allow you to explore your own interests and passions.


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Dr. Dean Allen

Dean Allen

Dean has taught at Universities in South Africa, Australia, Northern Ireland and England and is widely published in the areas of sports history and sociology. His longest association with any one country has been with South Africa where, conducting research for his Masters Degree, he first visited the town of Matjiesfontein. A fascination for the history of this region led to a PhD that was completed in 2008. His best-selling book 'Empire, War and Cricket in South Africa: Logan of Matjiesfontein' is a result of that doctoral study. Says Dean, “I genuinely believe that you get out of life what you put in. If you have the energy, drive and determination to achieve something or make a contribution then you are rewarded. Luck is a trick of the mind. Opportunities don’t land in your lap – you create them by getting out there each day, showing up and doing your best, and by consistently taking yourself out of your comfort zone!”

Why Choose a Course With Dean Allen?

"The Man Who Brings History To Life"

'An Inspiring Teacher'

Scott Gracey

"Dean's humour, enthusiasm and openness I attribute to singlehandedly motivating me to pass my degree course"

'An Amazing Connection with his Audience'

Brenda Falconer

“Dean as a human being has three of the essential bones in his make up: A wish bone; a back bone and a funny bone! I was blown away by his connection with the audience. May he share his experiences for future generations.”

'Expert Delivery'

Stuart Pemberton

“During my life, both professional and personal, I have been fortunate to be in attendance when famous and not so famous have given speeches and / or insights into their lives. Without a doubt the contribution Dean made towards my education of history, culture, politics and sport was immense. His personal style of presentation was for me, and I am sure all those attending, a revelation, not only for the command of his subject, but also done without notes. Dean's passion is clearly evident and this was demonstrated by everyone present giving the loudest and longest applause for any speech, certainly in my time as a member of the group.”

'Fascinating Content'

Sue Hazlerigg

“Fascinating historical content. Excellent delivery – clear voice and confident and no use of notes. Dean has enthusiasm and great presence.”

'Expertise and Experience'

Sally Lee

“Thank you Dean for your time, expertise and experience and your awesome ability to inspire our students.”

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Invest in yourself. Invest in your knowledge. And remember, we never stop learning!

14 Exclusive Lectures Recorded Live

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